Sunday, August 11, 2013

{Cross Country Camp}

Cross country camp is always one of the greatest parts of the summer. Some of the funniest team memories are made at camp. This year was a little different than in years past but still so fun... Here's a play by play of our adventures this week:

Day 1: Spanish Fork Canyon... Diamond Fork Trail

 Traditional calf picture... Em, me, Jac, Maddy
 The team at the hot pots. There weren't even any naked men we had to shield our eyes from. Yay!

 Ice baths in the river! The best memories :)

 Don't mind that it looks like Gibs just got out of the shower.

Em and Jac photobombing in the back... Daniel, Connor, Kaden, Madi, me Maddy.

Online it said that this trail was 4.5 miles "easy". Lies. It was really hard. I haven't done any trail running in a long time and the hills were rough stuff. It was really pretty tho and the hot pots were cool. They smelled awful... It was really entertaining to hear Gibson complain/gag when we passed the hot pots :) It was a fun trail and the ice baths afterward were so great. On the bus ride home we made funny music videos and were laughing so hard. Then we had cafe rio salads back at the school and played around the world ping pong. It was so fun to just be with my teammates and get to know people that I normally wouldn't get to talk to as much. Daniel and Connor are seriously so funny. We went to Jac's house after ping pong and watched a movie and Jackie french braided Connor's hair. So so funny.

Day 2: Provo Canyon... Big Springs Trail

 Awe look how much fun we're having :)

This trail was so fun! It was 4.5 miles so it wasn't too long and it wasn't too crazy hard but it was hard enough that you felt like you accomplished something great. Then we had Jimmy Johns and just talked for a while until we went on our next run. I only did like 2 miles more that day with Em and Maddy. Then we took ice baths in the river and they were so great! Not painfully cold! It felt so good. And Mary dunked her head :) Then we drove home on the bus and sang songs and just talked. Another great day :) That night I slept at Jac's cuz my parents were gone. Emily Allen, Emily Anderson, Maddy Kauffman, me, and Jackie all hung out. We talked on the tramp about "boys and instagram likes" (according to Thomas) and we were just going crazy :) We were snapchatting Connor and Daniel and they were hilarious... "Here we are walking down the street in our shoes and our fancy pants." Here's one of the beauties we sent to them:

It was one of those crazy nights :) They also dropped a waffle off at the door with a note that said something about them stalking us or something. Crazy boys. Me and Emily Allen slept on Jac's floor after scriptures study and rubbing out each other legs with "The Black Mamba" (Jackie's rolling pin). Rub outs are always an adventure :) The next morning we woke up at 6:15 to get ready for:

Day 3: AF Canyon... Ridge Trail 157 (Aka "The Real Deal")
 Coach Jamie, Emily Anderson, Jackie, Emily Allen, Maddy, Ryan, Mary, Sami, Abby

 Daniel Woodward, Alex Mickelson, me, Gibson Ainge, Connor Arnell, Jackie Heaps

We do this trail every year for cross country camp. Also we always bring out the purple paint and this year we made pink headbands too :) The trail is 10 miles and the first time we did it we thought it was the hardest thing ever. We're so much stronger this year- it wasn't even that bad! It was really fun actually! I ended up running by myself half of the way cuz I'm too slow for the front group but too fast for the back group. Awkward. But I ran with Emily Allen on the way back and it was a lot of fun. I really love talking to her, she's one of the best friends I've ever had. We talked about how different every year is. It's so hard to get used to people being gone. It was so weird having Derek, Ty, Logan, Davis, Braden, and Tyson all gone. But we talked about how there are different things that are fun each year. We miss the years before but at the same time I love this year because those people that I'd normally talk to are gone so I get to talk to new people and make new friends. There are different things that bring us joy in each year, with each change that happens. The way back went by really fast and we finally FINISHED! Woohoo. Yay for fruit snacks and pretzels at the end of our runs! Then we took ice baths at Tibble Fork and had pizza back in Lehi. That night we had a little concluding party. We watched Despicable Me and a highlight video with pictures from camp. It was a lot of fun. I'm really thankful for my team. I'm glad I could get to know new people this year and create lots of fun memories with them. I will never get used to the constant change that is so present in our lives and in our team but I'm glad that every year is fun and every year I learn more about myself as a runner and as a person. I'm going to miss cross country a lot when I graduate. I love Coach Rowe and how he always teases us and makes us laugh and I love the trips we go on and I love that we're crazy and always ourselves. I love running, it makes me a stronger and better person and I'll forever be grateful for my high school running career :) 

Here's a few pictures I found from cross country camp in 2011. I can't believe this was 2 years ago- I remember it so vividly... I love and miss all these kids...
 The moose... Those crazy kids. There were no moose painted on chests this year :)

Ty, Logan, Sister Heaps (I think),  Min, Em, Jac, Maddy

Yay for another successful cross country camp :) I'm excited to see what this season will bring... 

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